
西班牙語在古巴 -「哈囉篇」(2) / Spanish in Cuba – Greetings (2)


We’ll now look at some short and useful Spanish phases.

No hablo español 這是「我不懂西班牙語」的意思。發音為No A-blo es-pan-neoHablo 是「」的意思,而hablohola一樣,h是不發音的,所以hablo的發音是A-blo

No hablo español – It means “I don’t speak Spanish”, pronounced as No A-blo es-pan-neo.  Hablo means “speak”, and just like hola, it’s with a silent “h”, therefore it’s pronounced as A-blo.


¿Usted habla inglés? 「你會說英語嗎?」,發音是Uu-sted A-bla en-glace這句是我個人認為最重要的西文短句,既然我不懂西班牙語,自然要問一問和我對話的人懂不懂英語。

雖然在古巴懂得說英語的人實在太少,但仍然值得一試。而 inglés是「英語」意思。Hablah一樣是不發音的,所以habla的發音是A-bla

¿Usted habla inglés? – “Do you speak English?”, pronounced as Uu-sted A-bla en-glace.  I think this is one of the most useful Spanish phases. 

Since I don’t speak Spanish, it’s natural to ask whether the person I’m talking with speak English at all; most Cubans don’t speak English, but it’s still worth a try.  And inglés means English.

Again it’s with the silent “h”, therefore it’s A-bla instead of Ha-bla.

No entiendo 「我不明白」或「我聽不懂」的意思,發音為 No en-ti-en-do

No entiendo – It means “I don’t understand”, pronounced as No en-ti-en-do.

我經常把這幾句混在一起用,No hablo español ¿Usted habla inglés? 我不懂西班牙語,你會說英語嗎?」或 No entiendo ¿Usted habla inglés?「我聽不懂,你會說英語嗎?」。 事實上,就算說不出全句,只要說出inglés這個字,古巴人就知道你問他們懂不懂英語,或附近有沒有人懂得英語。

I often use these phases together, such as No hablo español ¿Usted habla inglés? – “I don’t understand Spanish, do you speak English?”; or No entiendo ¿Usted habla inglés? – “I don’t understand, do you speak English?”.

In fact, as long as you use the word “inglés”, Cubans know you’re asking whether they can speak English, or someone nearby speaks English.


Cómo estás 「你好嗎?」,發音為Ko-mo s-DAs。它經常是用於Hola之後,變成 “¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás?” (「喂,你好嗎?」)

Cómo estás – It means “How are you?”, pronounced as Ko-mo s-Das.  It’s often used after hola, and becomes “¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás?” (“Hi, how are you?”).


Bien 「好」的意思,是對¿Cómo estás?的常用回應。發音為bi-en。所以把它們用在一起的話就變成 我問:“¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás?”,古巴人答: “Bien”

Bien – It means “good”, and it’s often used as a reply to ¿Cómo estás?, pronounced as bi-en.  Put together with last phase, and it turns into a dialogue like this: I say “¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás?” to a Cuban, and he/she replies “Bien”.


¡Hasta luego! 這也是「再見」,發音為 A-si-tah lu-air-goH和以前的一樣是不發音的。古巴的房東向我解釋的時候說雖然Adiós都是再見的意思,但Adiós指很快會再見,而Hasta luego則是有一種「保重」的意味。

¡Hasta luego! – This is also goodbye, pronounced as A-si-tah lu-air-go, just like before, the h is a silent h.  The casa particular’s owner told me that adiós also means goodbye, but it carries the meaning of seeing each other again soon, whereas hasta luego has a hint of farewell to it.

