
伊斯坦堡 (3) - 地下水宮 / Istanbul (3) – Basilica Cistern (Yerebatan Sarnici)

地下水宮位於距離聖索菲亞大教堂大約一百米,它的入口實在十分不起眼。如果不是有遊客在入口前排隊,真的不知道那就是地下水宮。據水宮的前身是位於一間教堂下面,由拜占庭皇帝士丁尼一世在532年暴動後於 537 年改建。

Basilica Cistern (Turkish – Yerebatan Sarnici “Sunken Cistern”) situates roughly 100 metres from Hagia Sophia.  The sign at the entrance wasn’t that noticeable, if it hadn’t been for tourists queuing at the entrance, I wouldn’t have known it’s the place.  Apparently it really was directly below a basilica.  It was rebuilt by Byzantine Emperor Justinian I in 537 after the riot in 532.

意料之外的入場費 / The unexpected admission fee

我在進聖索菲亞大教堂時買了七十二小時博物館通用票 (85里拉,要去四個博物館以上才合算),以為這票也包括地下水宮全然不知道原來是不包括的。所以需要像所有遊客一樣付十里拉入場費。

I bought the Museum Pass when I went to Hagia Sophia (it costs 85TL and is valid for 72 hours, will need visiting 4 museums to cover its cost).  I thought it covers the Basilica Cistern as well… I had no idea it wasn’t the case.  Therefore, I had to pay 10TL to get in like every other tourist.

十里拉的入門票 / The 10 Lira ticket

十萬噸的儲水池和三百三十六條柱 / The 100,000 ton water tank and 336 columns


The cistern is an underground space roughly 138 metres long, 64 metres wide, supported by 336 marble stone columns, and has a capacity to hold 100,000 tons of water.  Of course, nowadays there are only a few feet of water to show tourists what it used to be like.

336條柱子分作十二排,每排二十八條,據大部份的柱子是由其他破舊的宅子回收來的。有兩條特別的柱子位於水宮最裹的地區,有一個倒轉和一個打側的美杜莎頭像在柱子的底部。對於美杜莎頭像出現的原因和它們的方向(倒轉和打側),眾紛紛,但都一致認為它們是回收而來, 而它們的方向是人為的,但為什麼就沒有人知道。

The 336 columns are divided by 12 rows, each row has 28 columns, and apparently most of them were recycled from ruins of older buildings.  There are 2 interesting columns in the innermost area of the cistern, it’s because they both have a Medusa’s head at their bases, one of them is upside down, and the other one is on its side.  It’s commonly accepted they were placed that way deliberately, but no one seems to know why.

一排排的柱子 / Rows and Rows of columns

為什麼人們每逢水池都要投硬幣? / Why do people toss coins into just about any pool?

倒轉的美杜莎頭像 / The upside down Medusa’s head

打側的美杜莎頭像 / The Medusa’s head on its side

對傻瓜相機的終極考驗 / The ultimate challenge for my point-and-shoot camera


The cistern is an underground environment, there’s no natural light it is therefore very dark.  It’s a disaster to someone like me who arms with a point-and-shoot camera.  It took me some time to try out most of my camera’s low light related setting; I guess it can count as a self-taught photography lesson…  I found at the end, not just the camera, I also lack even the basic of photography knowledge…

當日的第一張作品 / The first photo there that day

幾次嘗試之後的作品 / A later photo at the same spot

當日我最滿意的一張作品 / The photo I like most