
土耳其 - 到步篇 / Arriving Turkey





下機後跟其他乘客步行前往入境通道。突然見到入境通道前有個寫著Visa的窗口,其他乘客中沒有人排這個窗口,所以我是第一個。在裹面的職員問我「Tourist visa?」,我說「Yes」,他跟著說「Passport! 」,我把護照交給他之後,他在我的passport上貼了一張貼紙,然後對我說「10 pound!」, 當我遞上10英鎊後,他把護照交回給我。我打開護照一看,那張貼紙寫著Tourist Visa,  原來落地簽證是這麼樣辦的

然後在排入境通道時,有不少遊客被送反去排Visa窗口,結果我只排兩次隊(實際上只排了一次),而一大部份的其他遊客則排了三次(passport control, visa, passport control),原來慢慢行是有「著數」的。


Sabiha Gökçen機場搭巴士去到Taksim Square(位於新城區),再搭電車到Sultanahmet(位於舊城區),太約用了兩小時。因為是夜機,所以去到Sultanahmet時已經是晚上大約十時半。由電車站到我訂的青旅那短短十分鐘的路程,我三次被「好客」的土耳其人邀請我去飲酒,以下是我們的對答:



這是一個很普遍的騙局,騙子和酒吧老闆一伙,請陌生遊客去酒吧喝酒,然後送上一張特貴的帳單(可達400歐元!!)。 騙子告訴你這是正常價,然後和你一人付一半。當你走了之後騙子和老闆對分那200歐元


10英鎊「買」回來的簽證/My £10 visa

Turkey has always been a mysterious country to me, it’s because I knew almost nothing about it (had I know nothing at all, then it would only be a strange country to me, not mysterious…).  The only things I knew about Turkey were it situated over Asia and Europe, its mosques and of course the term Turkish bath.  In fact it’s more like an impression of Istanbul, I think…

Nice to do business with Turkish visa official

It’s because Turkey isn’t part of EU, it isn’t cover by Schengen Agreement.  Therefore British passport holders are required to have a visa for entry.  I later found out there’s no visa requirement for Hong Kong SAR passport holders; I was well gutted…

My colleagues reminded me to bring some pound sterling with me as a landing visa costs £10 in cash, so I heeded their advice.

After I got off the plane, I walked with other passengers to passport control.  On the way there, I saw there’s a counter with the sign ‘Visa’, everyone just walked past it without stopping, so I didn’t have to queue.  The official said to me “Tourist visa?” and I said “Yes”.  He then said “Passport!” and I handed the passport over to him.  He then put a sticker on and said “10 pound!”.  I gave him £10 cash and he gave me my passport back.  I looked at my passport; the sticker says Multiple Entry Visa.  “I see”, I said to myself “that’s how you do landing visa, nice to do business with you.”

Later on when I queued for passport control, I saw many tourists were sent back for visas, so they ended up queuing 3 times (passport control, visa, passport control) where I only queued twice (actually just once, as I didn’t have to queue for my visa), it seems there’re perks in taking my time.

Gary the “mark”

The journey from Sabiha Gökçen Airport to Taksim Squire (in new town) then to Sultanahmet (in the old town) took about 2 hours, because it’s a late flight, by the time I got there it was around 10.30 at night.  During the 10 minutes walk from the tram stop at Sultanahmet to my hostel, I was approached by “friendly” Turkish man 3 times separately, inviting me to go for drinks.  The conversations went something like this:

Turkish man: “Where are you from?”
Me: “Hong Kong/England (depending on how I feel)”
Turkish man: “Oh, me too.  I’m working for Daewood in Korean/I have English friends/I’m also a tourist, I come from Greece”
Me: “Really?”

Turkish man: “Of course, my friend.  Why don’t we go for drinks/my friend’s party?  Oh, what is your job? How much do you earn?”
Me: “Sorry, I need to get to my hostel, I’m in a hurry.”
Turkish man: “It’s ok, I can wait for you outside your hostel, then go for a drink.”
Me: “…”

Might be I’m just being suspicious, but it just felt wrong, I felt like I was a huge “mark” in the eye of a conman, a pretty rubbish feeling.

Apparently it’s a pretty common con, the conman and bar owner are in it together.  Con man invites an unsuspected tourist for drinks, and the bar owner sends a massive bill (can be up to €400!!).  The conman then tells you it’s the normal price, and splits the bill with you.  Once you’re gone, conman and bar own splits the €200 they got out of you.

I insisted I was going to my hostel, perhaps they thought I wasn’t that friendly, so they left me alone.  I still don’t know if they were just friendly people or conmen, but I trust my feeling and am not sure I really want to find out anyway…

